You have carved out a very particular niche for yourself in the erotic romance world. Scorching hot romance woven into the tapestry of unique and spine-tingling scary settings. How did you find your way into this genre?
Well, I’ve been writing horror since about grade five. So just about everything I churned out between then and about age nineteen had something horrifying happening. But I started dabbling in writing more…er…erotic stories when I was maybe sixteen. Wrote a bunch of fan-fiction that I still sometimes get reviews on. It didn’t dawn on me until the end of 2010 to combine the two genres, and it was totally by accident. I wrote Sparks Fly while I was on this God-awful cruise to the Virgin Islands and never really thought about it as a horror story until people started telling me how much it scared them. I’ve been going ever since.
You’ve jumped into the world of published authors at a relatively young age. Do you feel that this has been an advantage or a hurdle to overcome in your writing career?
An advantage, most definitely. I’ve wanted to do this since I was a kid. Granted, that was only about a decade ago, but still. I’ve met other authors who’ve told me they wish they knew they wanted this when they were my age. I mean, really think about it. How many twenty-one year olds do you know who can honestly say that they’re living their dream?
Though I will say, I apparently look younger than I am. When I was at Ellora’s Cave’s Romanticon last year, I was asked a great many times if I was old enough to be there/participate in the workshops. And I was asked a great many more times than that whose son I was. Imagine my surprise finding out I was the only male author there.
What is the biggest impetus in your writing? Do you draw more from life experience or the creepy things that haunt the recesses of your mind?
It’s a little of both, actually. Emotionally, what my characters go through is from real-life experience because writing is my coping mechanism; it’s how I work through all the screwed up crap people my age go through. The horror, on the other hand, comes from the places I’m usually too afraid to think of. Believe me, I’m the biggest chicken you’ll ever meet, so a lot of the scenes in my scarier stories freak me out. Like literally I’ll sit in a dark room so I can be scared enough to write it, but then spend the entire time writing looking around me to make sure nothing is trying to sneak out of the shadows to get me. It’s a mess.
Is there any advice or experience you’d like to share with the other young writers out there who are looking at you and thinking, “Damn, how’d he do it?”
Just don’t give up. It’s the most cliché thing in the world, I know, but it’s also the truest. As a writer, you’re going to get rejected. It’s almost an inevitability unless you’re like super author, or something. But just keep submitting and keep writing. It only takes one editor to love your book to get you a contract. But that applies to any dream you’re trying to achieve. Keep working at it cuz if it’s that much of a driving force in your mind, then it’s your duty to make it a reality.
Quick Three:
Favorite book: Str8te Boys by Evangeline Anderson
Favorite drink: Not sure I have a favorite drink, but I am partial to a good vodka cranberry.
Favorite article of clothing: Definitely the T-shirt I got from Romanticon last year. It just says, “Got Sex?” Yup. It’s awesome.
Thank you again to Brien Michaels for sharing his twisted sexy stories with us. For more on Brien, you can visit his website
, Goodreads , and find him on Twitter . Last Friday Night, as well as the rest of his titles, are available at Amazon , B&N , and All Romance Ebooks .
Thank you again to Brien Michaels for sharing his twisted sexy stories with us. For more on Brien, you can visit his website
, Goodreads , and find him on Twitter . Last Friday Night, as well as the rest of his titles, are available at Amazon , B&N , and All Romance Ebooks .
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